Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Mind vs The Body

I've learned so much about the body and mind the past few months. It connects to worldview, conflicts in a lot of situations and also is so complementary when recognized appropriately. When I say mind, I mean your spirit, your psyche, which isn't the same as your soul but is related. As for the body, I mean your physical health, physical enjoyment and physical pain. So much of our daily lives revolve around those two aspects of ourselves and how we progress. Yesterday I noticed how I abandoned my body and how it affected me. I am almost seven months pregnant so nursing myself in continued good health is more important than ever. In fact, it's a common psyche problem with women as they are pregnant and the first year of the babies life to be forced to use their bodies so much because babies rely on it so much more than any other humans. You feel like a milk factory. The baby sometimes only wants the mother because of a specific smell giving no relief or break to tired arms day and night. 

I have a routine in the morning to make myself a special pregnancy tea, a wheat grass (slightly disgusting) smoothie, drink a camelback of water, eat a big breakfast and finish my chores for the morning. Instead, I slept a little longer than I needed, I ate a scoop of peanut butter, a glass of water and went on my way (while stopping at mcdonalds). Although I had been productive all morning, my body started affecting my mind. I felt depressed and easily angry over little ticks I have that I can usually avoid. It reminded me how much my psyche relies on my body to be appropriately pampered in a period of my biology that is almost solely concerned about the survival of the child I'm carrying rather than relieving anxiety symptoms from my brain. 

My point is... The mind and body work together. It isn't always an equal partnership depending on the season of life you are in. Some seasons require three hours of reading or writing music in order to progress as a human and some seasons, like where I am currently, requires me to pay special attention to every physical symptom I have, prepare for pain and address feelings quickly. So if you tend to reject the body, don't feel guilty drinking a glass of wine or eating dessert for the pure enjoyment of it. And if you tend to reject the mind, don't feel bad about sitting and listening to music for hours or working hard on a project you are passionate about instead of cooking a healthy meal. 

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