Wednesday, October 22, 2014


A few years ago when I was at the end of my pregnancy and I had nothing to do but watch Mad Men and wait, I accidentally signed up for a year subscription to Since I paid for it, I figured I should use it as much as I could. Our family is very American so I found out we were related to several historical figures like Davy Crockett, Walt Whitman, and the Kennedy's. I still have all the research and I think it's so interesting to understand where your genetics come from. Although, some I've known can be a little too obsessed with the family tree and treat it like a breeding as a result of boredom. I had a friend over for lunch and it is still fascinating how people think about other people here in Jackson. I just wish I could understand how people here think that thinking a certain way about race is ok. So much of how we think determines how we choose to live, who we choose to live with and who we choose to avoid. There is this strange fear of different looking people around here. It's like everyone is still stuck trying to keep their family breed consistent, fresh and pure. It seems to be a subconscious survival mode some just can't update to 2014. Whatever it is, I'm beginning to feel like it isn't something people here are doing on purpose or thoughtlessly but an untrained psychological response to modernity. Segregation is still present without laws enforcing it. Our undeveloped minds which have been void of a software update have chosen a route seperating ourselves from those who aren't like us and the longer different people aren't sought, the more different we become and the less likely we can find commonality. We are developing two towns in one city. I'm not sure of a solution yet but I do know that for the most part, humans try to do the right things first for their family, then if they have room, for their neighbor. Sometimes the attempt to do the best thing is done the worst way. Intentions matter but thoughtfully researched intentions bring results. 

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