Saturday, October 18, 2014

Holly Springs

We are headed to Holly Springs, MS to watch our friend's family race at a show. Somehow during such a schedule-packed season in our life, we are still able to take an overnight trip to see one of Emery's favorite things. We were at the line in Chicfila to grab some late lunch on the way and I had a flash back of just Jesse and I in our old faded red/pink CR-V the first year we moved to Jackson. It's interesting that sometimes life moves just slow enough to not see how much life has changed from that to sitting in a big truck with a precious healthy 3 year old boy in the back waiting for ice cream (prize for poo pooing in the potty). I appreciate what our hard work has rewarded and especially what The Lord has given us. Thank you God for your grace and mercy on the Hornbeaks. 

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