Friday, October 17, 2014

Life overload

I've been thinking a lot about the implications of an overloaded schedule. My personal schedule is border line overloaded considering I'm 26 weeks pregnant and I need 8-10 hours of sleep and adaquate rest to balance the activity I do. I preached to my college students about this yesterday and I was surprised to hear their thoughts. One said she was relieved to hear that work, work, work isn't always to most successful element of a lifestyle. She hears quite the opposite from other professors. Of course we should all be eager workers but there comes a point when you are only one person and committing to too much produces unthoughtful outcomes, a lack of presence and your body physically will shut down. I've seen it happen to many friends. There isn't a shortage of workers here in Tennessee. I'd much rather have a lazy student than an over scheduled student. I can't teach an overwhelmed student's brain but I can push/kick a lazy student into something more. It's all about pacing yourself. I'm doing my best to pace myself so the enormous amount of responsibilities that come my way are dealt with on a daily bases instead of all at once. I recommend the "way of life" app. It has helped me break down all those things daily so I can remember to spend 15 min on this and that, which turns into almost 2 hours by the end of the week. If you are over scheduled, stop it! Simplify. Get someone to clean your house and don't feel guilty about it. Don't take away family and friend time, you need that. Sleep longer so you are more productive and be present when you do work. Take it easy you workaholics! 

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