Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nighty Please

So one more thing about little Emery... Are you tired of hearing about him yet? I've been giving him a bottle and rocking him to sleep in the new mod Eams rocking chair Jesse bought. It has been very successful. Maybe it's because before my arms would get so tired holding him while swinging I put him down too fast. Anyways, so his ritual of crying when he's ready for bed has been different too the past couple of nights. Last night, he went in the hall in front of his room, looked at me, put his pacy in his mouth and laid down! So cute! Tonight he crawled slowly to where I was sitting on the couch, pointed to his pacy that was slightly out of his reach, I gave it to him, he put it in his mouth and put his little cheek on the couch. I laughed and he giggled back at me! Also today I taught him how to hide his face with his hands and play peekaboo. If he gets any cuter I may just eat him for breakfast.

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