Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kitchen Remodel

When it comes to anything involving wood and tools, Jesse is really quick and accurate. If there was a show for wood hoarders, Jesse would be on it I think. We have so much wood with intentions on building something with it It always amazes me how fast he can get things accomplished. He has already connected the cabinets in the corner, added another one by the stove, put an entire set of cabinets around the fridge, enlarged a doorway, cut out and trimmed a large long interior window. My mom and dad came to see the house and help with some construction and cleaning. My dad helped with the cabinets around the fridge, changed the door handle on the fridge, took the hardware off and filled in the holes. My mom helped watch Emery while I got all of the dishes and such out of the cabinets they left. It came furnished by the way. She also helped me price things for the sale and clean a lot! I'm so thankful for them. Emery will always be taken care of but with everything they do for us it allows us to really take care of our community as well! We put Emery in his wagon he got for Christmas and took a walk around our new neighborhood. The biggest reason why we moved to this house is because of the 20 plus children Emery has to grow up with in the neighborhood. Most of them go to the same church we go to. Community will always be a priority. If we decide to put Emery in public school, we are walking distance away from both the elementary and middle school.

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