Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hospital Almo: Hand Food Mouth

So since Saturday Jesse has Hand Foot Mouth. It sounds way worse than it is. It has been going around Jackson through kids mostly. Who knows how he got it but when I came home after hearing he felt bad, I took his temp and as soon as he mentioned his feet were itchy I just knew that's what it was! I sentenced him to the bedroom for the entire day Saturday and he never left the bedroom except when he absolutely had to. When he did he had to wash his hands and face like crazy. And no touching allowed! It's only spreadable through snot, saliva and poop. I posted a photo of Emery at the baby gate blocking him out of our room. Jesse looks like a little animal in a zoo! I'm happy to say Emery and I haven't gotten it yet. Emery just has a cold. He left the house to play a show in Memphis tonight which is the first time he's been out of the house. I'm guessing he's wearing a bandana or something haha Apparently after the bumps appear (which was yesterday) it isn't terribly contagious but we are going to play it safe. I mean if we get it we get it. We won't die. Just be itchy! The fever ends after the first day so he's fine. Yesterday I changed the sheets on Emerys bed and Jesses bed so many times I had 11 loads of laundry to do! That includes all of this past week's dirty laundry. I have a day of the week for every chore and yesterday was laundry day. I decided it would take me so long to do laundry at home I put it all in my car, strapped Emery to me in my carrier and spent the afternoon at the laundromat! About $16 and 3 hours later, it was all done and folded! I don't have a large family, obviously, and I don't have plans to but I'm obsessed with organizational strategies of larger families. I mean I can't really just do stuff and expect it all to eventually get done even with just two people to take care of. I have to plan things now versus not really before little e came along. I haven't read through the book but one thing the author of "large family logistics" talks about is how traditional, conservative women organized their week before the Industrial Revolution. One day would be for baking, one for sewing, one for laundry, etc. Mine is: Monday-laundry day Tuesday-clean day Wednesday-work day (photo editing stuff) Thursday-market day (groceries, errands, etc) Friday-organization and service day Saturday-free when not shooting Sunday-Lords day I know, I'm sorta dorky. What's even more dorky is on some nights I get excited to get ahead start on the next day so I don't have to do as much later. It has helped a lot because sometimes I see the laundry piled up on Saturday and it doesn't bother me. I just think, well, it will have to wait until Monday because tonight is for ordering pizza and watching a movie!

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